Aviation History
"Mig Sweep" painting by Keith Ferris This painting is a depiction of the McDonnell F-4C21-MC Phantom II depicting the aircraft making a Vector Roll to gain a firing position on an enemy North Vietn...
Read moreThe U.S. Navy has traditionally had a lot of excellent fighter pilots who performed extremely well in World War I, World War II, and in the Vietnam War. But did you know who was the very first U.S....
Read moreUncover The Mystery Of Missing Diamonds 💎
A DC-3 is attacked by Japanese Zeros and crashes on the North coast of Australia. Unbeknownst to the passengers and crew, the DC-3 is carrying cut diamonds bound for the Commonwealth Bank in Austra...
Read moreTop Gun 2 is all the rage these days and is the follow-on to the 1986 movie "Top Gun" with Maverick and Goose. Is this all fiction and movie fun, or is there really a "Top Gun" school for naval and...
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