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Aviation History

"Butch" O'Hare: the Original Top Gun! Navy ace "Butch" O'Hare won the Congressional Medal of Honor protecting his aircraft carrier, the USS Lexington.

"Butch" O'Hare: The Original Top Gun

In my last post, I talked about my past and my relationship with my father. His kindness and encouragement led me to become a pilot. My flying career started as a CFI (Certified Flight Instructor),...

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How To Tame A Hellcat

How To Tame A Hellcat

The Hellcat was an important Navy fighter aircraft designed to outfight the Japanese Zero, but all the male pilots were already overseas flying. Grumman needed test pilots to test fly these new air...

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Roscoe Turner as narrator for the program "Sky Blazers". Turner was a record breaking American pilot winning the Thompson Trophy air race three times.

Roscoe and Gilmore

In the 1890s budding aviators  built the first piloted gliders with two wings, one wing stacked above the other. But the dream of powered manned flight lived on. The first successful powered aircra...

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Samuel Archer King ascending in his balloon September 12, 1881 at 5:40pm

Samuel Archer King

Samuel Archer King was borin on April 9th, 1828 in Tinicum Township, Pennsylvaniat. Samuel, like many young boys, liked to climb trees and anything he could in order to see out as far as possible. ...

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The Raymond Orteig $ 25,000 Price for the first non-stop transatlantic flight between New York City and Paris, France. It was

The Orteig Prize

On February 26, 1927 a little known pilot filled out an application to win $ 25,000 for accomplishing what no one else had ever done. The young pilot, Charles Lindbergh, lived in St. Louis, MO whic...

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Randolph aviator sunglass Sean D. Tucker and Bob Hoover - American aircraft pilots - Tucker represented Randolph Sunglasses and their sunglass aviators to market aviator sunglasses for men through aerobatics

The Feathered Edge

The Feathered Edge is about promoting world class aviator sunglasses by teaming up with world class aerobatic pilots. The importance of protecting your eyes, even if you are not a pilot, is well do...

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