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Aviation History

A photograph of Maj. George E. "Bud" Day in the cockpit of his F-100 Super Sabre aircraft.

Maj. George E. Day - Code Of Conduct - Part 3

Major Geroge E. "Bud" Day flew his USAF F-100 aircraft as a forward air controller in Vietnam. On 8/26/67 "Bud" was shot down over Vietnam and spent the next 5 1/2 years as a POW in North Vietnam. ...

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U.S. Navy Commander Everett Alvarez Jr. (Ret.) Prisoner of War Vietnam 1963-1973.

Everett Alvarez Jr. - Code Of Conduct - Part 2

Read a fascinating story about a pilot who spend 8 1/2 years in the "Hanoi Hilton" as a Prisoner of War, and who was required to follow the Code of Conduct instituted into the U.S. Military by Pres...

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A photgraph of American POW's captured by North Korean forces await liberation at the 38th parallel on Oct. 5, 1950.

The Code Of Conduct - Part 1

The Korean War, also known as the Forgotten War, was fought on the Korean peninsula from June 25th, 1950 to July 27th, 1953.  The Korean War was an armed conflict on the Korean Peninsula fought bet...

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Commander Cernan receives Astronaut Wings from CNO Admiral David McDonald at Pentagon ceremony 26 July 1966.

An Opportunity Almost Missed

The Man Gene Cernan was born on a warm day on March 14, 1934, in Chicago, Illinois. Little did his parents know that Gene would leave planet earth one day. It turns out that Gene Cernan was not onl...

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A photgraph of an ACS C-123K in flight over the Mekong Delta, Vietnam, 1969

The Provider

Heros come in all sizes, and in the military many heros come forth at just the right time with the right skills and the desire to serve.This story is about one such hero - Lt. Col. Joe M. Jackson/s...

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A photo of an AC-47 Gunship with it's MXU-470-A modules on the ramp in South Vietnam during the Vietnam war

"Puff, the Magic Dragon"

As a pilot it is easy to become attached to a particular type of aircraft that you just love to fly. I turned down my opportunity for flying for the airlines (too regimented for me) but did fly for...

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Major Adrian E. Drew, U.S. Air Force climbing into a Voodo Jet aircraft.

Operation Firewall

On December 12, 1957, USAF Major Adrian E. Drew set a new  Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) absolute speed record over the 15/25 kilometer course at Edwards Air Force Base, California. ...

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Brigadier General William Mitchell, Air Service, United States Army, 1879–1936.

William "Billy" Mitchell, Father of the U.S. Air Force

William "Billy" Mitchell is considered the Father of the Air Force because of his early work promoting aviation to be used in the military. However, his career ended in disgrace because of his cont...

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Eric "Winkle" Brown, Test Pilot Extraordinaire

Eric "Winkle" Brown, Test Pilot Extraordinaire

Read the story of Eric "Winkle" Brown, Test Pilot Extraordinaire, also known as a pilot who was simply "the right stuff." Winkle is best known for being the first pilot to takeoff and land a jet ai...

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A photo of Major General Andrey Borisovich Yumashev, Soviet Air Force (1902–1988)

Hero of the Soviet Union

Andrey Borisovich Yumashev, pilot and military veteran, set a number of aviation records in the mid-1930s and thrusting the USSR into the limelight of aviation feats. His reward: He was made a Hero...

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A photograph of Ruth Rowland Nichols (Fédération Aéronautique Internationale 12430–1)

Ruth Rowland Nichols American Aviation Pioneer

Ruth Rowland Nichols, aviatrix extraordinaire, set a number of world records in the eary 1900s which remain to this day. Discover the fascinating life of this lovely aviatrix.

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October 5, 1914 First Aerial Combat Victory

The Start of the Age of Aerial Combat

On the 5th of October, 1914, the first air to air dog fight occurred between a French Voisin III aircraft and a German Aviatik B.II aircraft. The air battle took place over France during World War...

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